Sunday, October 4, 2015

Mental Illness: A Dirty Little Secret

     I feel the need to make a preface post to tell you what this blog is all about. 
    I feel this massive calling to talk about something that isn't being talked about-- mental illness. All day long people will advocate for cancer, ALS, the list goes on and on. But I've noticed that not as many people advocate for mental illness, especially Christians. In a blog post that I read, someone described anxiety and depression as, "The Church's dirty little secret". Why is that? Why are we so afraid and so ashamed to talk about what's really going on inside of our minds? Just because it doesn't leave a visible scar doesn't mean that it isn't as serious. I think if more people spoke out about their pain in mental illness, there would be less shame and less of a social stigma when someone says that they struggle with depression, or anxiety, or bipolar disorder. But we don't wanna talk about it because we're scared of the things we can't explain and we like the masks we wear and the chains that bind us. We stay hidden and keep our dirty little secret to ourselves, not realizing that there are people out there just like us and all they want is to hear someone say, "You're not alone". Oh how I wish someone had said that to me sooner.  You are not alone. Not just because people share in your struggle, but because you were created by a God who says that He will never leave you. Even In your darkest moments that don't make sense, He's right there. 

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